Learn how you can start enjoying the health benefits of Nordic walking by taking an outdoor fitness class with the professionals at Body Mindfulness Studio.

What is Nordic Walking?

Nordic walking is an exercise method that works out up to 80 percent of the body’s muscles when done correctly. It’s easy on the body, gets you outside, and can be more enjoyable for those who prefer an alternative to the typical gym environment. Because of this, it’s a great way for beginners or those recovering from injury to get out and exercise again.

This guide will help you get started by telling you more about Nordic walking in the UK and why it’s such a great form of exercise to take up.

What is Nordic walking, then? This type of exercise originated in Finland and has been popular in the UK for a long time. Nordic walking is a simple exercise that is often used to train for cross-country skiing when the ski season is over, but it can be used for so much more.

Nordic walking involves walking with two specifically designed Nordic walking poles that train the upper body. Nordic walking poles, like cross-country skiing poles, are used by the arms to match each stride the walker makes. The arm movement combined with the lower body movement helps to increase the overall intensity of the Nordic walking workout.

Walking with poles to help balance and stability or ease joint stiffness is not the same as Nordic walking. Nordic walking is a kind of exercise that employs poles to train more muscles and raise the level of intensity.

The poles stay behind the body and form an extension of your arms during Nordic walking. This is different from walking or trekking with poles, which you hold in front of you or alongside you for greater balance or to relieve strain on joints, particularly on rough or downhill terrain. Knowing how to use Nordic walking poles effectively guarantees you all the benefits. If you’re unsure about anything, just ask the Body Mindfulness Studio London experts.

What are the Benefits of Nordic Walking?

Nordic pole walking employs both the upper and lower body muscles. The lower body receives the advantages of regular or fast walking, while the poles train the upper body. Because of this pairing, Nordic pole walkers benefit from a fitness-building stimulus that’s not present in typical walking, as the chest, abdominals, biceps, triceps, and shoulders receive a workout along with the leg muscles. The core is also worked when the walker pushes forward with the poles.

Nordic pole walking enhances cardio-respiratory fitness, particularly in older individuals for whom weight training or high-impact sports are not optimal. It may also improve balance and relieve neck strain. It’s a comprehensive body exercise that’s entertaining and inspires a spirit of exploration as it can be done anywhere from parks and roadways to hiking trails.

Nordic walking can also aid in recovery. Physiotherapists, physiologists, chiropractors, podiatrists, and other health care professionals are recommending Nordic walking more and more as a very effective form of rehabilitation therapy. The Nordic walking method can be changed to meet the needs of each patient and help them get the desired results.

What Equipment Do You Need For Nordic Walking?

In the past, pole walkers used fixed-length ski poles to stay in shape for Nordic skiing by walking with them during the off-season. Even though fixed-length poles can still be used, specially made Nordic walking poles are better. Nordic walking poles come in two types: ones with a single, non-adjustable shaft that come in different lengths and ones with a telescoping, twist-locking shaft that lets you change the length. Most one-piece poles are more robust and lighter, but they must fit the person using them. Telescoping poles fit more people and are easier to carry.

Nordic Body Kinetics and Nordic Walking

At The Body Mindfulness Studio, we specialise in Nordic Body Kinetics. Key features of Nordic Body Kinetics include developing deep body consciousness and core strength, enhancing stability, encouraging one to pay attention to the movements one makes, and better understand the signals that occur.

Stretching and breathing exercises help people become more in tune with their bodies and what they can do. With this exercise, we can better understand how our bodies communicate with us to take on new tasks.

When combined with Nordic walking, Nordic body kinetics can be a complete physical and mental workout that offers exceptional results.

How to Enjoy Nordic Walking

There are several ways that you can enjoy Nordic walking in London. One option is to take part in outdoor fitness classes in London, run by Body Mindfulness Studio. When it comes to self-practice of your Nordic walking in London, you can find many different paths and trails, including fabulous public spaces like the Thames Path and the Royal Parks.

As for the best walks outside London, here are some ideas to help you get started:

Goring Gap and the Thames Path – 5 Miles

This is an excellent place for a peaceful walk if you want something less urban. Goring, in Oxfordshire, is where the Berkshire Downs and the tree-covered Chilterns shrink the Thames Valley to its narrowest part. Along its path, the route passes through floral meadows, woods, and a nature reserve that is home to uncommon birds like red kites and unique orchids.

The Oak Trail at Epping Forest – 6.6 Miles

Get lost in the historic forests just outside of town. Essex’s Oak Trail, marked intermittently with green-labelled posts, leads pedestrians over the M25 to the 6,000-acre Epping Forest’s remote northern regions, where twisted beeches have developed gigantic crowns. You’ll also pass a deer sanctuary and Iron Age earthworks, where Boudicca is said to have fought the Romans. It’s a very beautiful ramble.

Thanet Coastal Path – 9.8 Miles

The three historic beach towns of Ramsgate, Broadstairs, and Margate, as well as a slew of other, less-travelled coves, may all be found along this walk along the Kentish coast. By following the Thanet Coastal Path, you can wander along the cliff tops, the promenades, and the Kent coast’s sands. Rock pools and fossils can be found in many old caves that dot the road.